Nowadays, cooking is made easy or rather, possible for some people. Yes, the availability of recipes in cookbooks or even blogs has made cooking possible for many amateurs. What's more, products like chicken soup mix, instant paste (e.g. Hai's curry chicken and Laksa pastes) or ready sauces from Lee Kum Kee, cake mix, ready chopped garlic and etc have simplified cooking. Talking about ready chopped garlic reminds me of my visit to the Naturally Marketplace (at Vivocity) where i saw garlic paste in a tube. So, if you need some garlic for your cooking, you can just squeeze them from a tube and this is just as easy as squeezing a tube of toothpaste to brush your teeth!
*Knock! Knock!* Today is Wordless Wednesday!
Oops...I'm supposed to introduce the herbal chicken soup to you. Ok, let's get to the point. The delicious and nutritious chicken soup featured here was actually prepared using a packet of chicken soup mix. It looks yummy right? Please help yourself to the soup before leaving your comments. Be careful, it's hot and don't scald yourself. Ha ha ha. ;p
*Knock! Knock!* Today is Wordless Wednesday!
Oops...I'm supposed to introduce the herbal chicken soup to you. Ok, let's get to the point. The delicious and nutritious chicken soup featured here was actually prepared using a packet of chicken soup mix. It looks yummy right? Please help yourself to the soup before leaving your comments. Be careful, it's hot and don't scald yourself. Ha ha ha. ;p
Looks good to me, Dora!
I know I'm wordless...
sandycarlson & mojo:
Hope u have enjoyed the "virtual soup". ;p
Thanks for visiting. Cheers!
Hi Dora,
I think I need to go NTUC and get a few packets of those to rejuvenate my mind soon! :P
Happy WW :)
Also can steam chicken with this..then you get those hawker center/tze char stall "Emperor Chicken" :)
napaboaniya: yeah! Enjoy ur soup. ;)
tigerfish: oh. but we prefer soup ones. :)
Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog! :) Your soup looks delicious and nutritious! I just came from the grocery now, and I just bought a Ba-kut tea soup pack. Its the first time I'm going to try it! :)
I cook chicken soup too...I use the one with herbal powder. Just add few cloves of garlic, a tbsp of oyster sauce, and boil in slow cooker, done! Quite easy.
I don't like soups in general but for your chicken soup I make an exception, lol !
Uhhh...that soup looks nice. I want some :)
That sounds delicious.
Looks delicious! My american mind doesn't recognize all that's in it - could you fill me in?
chicken soup (specially with noodles) has always been a favorite of mine! :)
New York Cheesecake with Caramel
Father/Daughter Bonding
hey Dora, thanks for stopping by :)
Sometimes I do love to use the prepackaged herbal chicken mix too..hehe delicious and so easy
Hi Dora, I like chicken soup of all kinds. Your herbal version sound really good, especially since it is the packaged, add water, type.
We had quite a bit of chicken soup while we were touring China for three weeks. I like the dumpling too, we don't have ones like yours. We didn't make it to Singapore.
Thank you for peeking in at Amber (cat) and for your nice comment.
Happy WW!.
oh, that's interesting to know that you can just a tube of garlic instead of chopping it, hmmmm, makes me hungry...opps! I forgot it's hot, hehehe...
happy WW!
ning: can i have a sip of ur bak-kut tea soup? ;p
little inbox: oh... have not tried those herbal powder ones before.
gattina: thanks for visiting and ur sweet comments.
jeanny: oops...maybe they have "finished" that bowl of soup already...let me prepare more next time. ;p
carver: hope it looks and "smells" delicious to u too. ;)
one mom: u may like to visit this site http://www.sgbox.com/tchmhpc.html
there are a couple of brands and the kind of herbs present in the packages vary too.
munchkin mommy: yeah! that sounds nice too, esp since i am a noodle-lover!
tastes of home: yup ;)
jim: yes, it is an easy recipe. maybe u can visit Singapore next time? ;)
btw, really like Amber. it's cute and like its colour.
shawie: yes, nowadays we are blessed with so much convenience.
Hi Dora
Tks 4 stopping by my blog. And you are right; it does look delicious. I wonder if I can find the premix in Australia????
I'm not a soup person...heheh...but just wanna say hi and that you're hardworking, making your own soup:D
Hi Dora, I love herbal chicken soup! Sad thing is that I have never made it myself - just kinda wait until my mom comes or I visit home. But I have always wondered about this soup mix thing in Asian grocery store, but I was skeptical! But I am so going to try it now!! Thanks for the tips!
vg: u may like to refer to http://www.sgbox.com/tchmhpc.html
christy: it's worth the hard work when i taste the nourishing soup. ;)
cecil: u're welcome. hope u like it. cheers!
i love lee kum kee sauce mixes...recently, just used teriyaki one for pork stew...hmmmm hungryyy and it's only 10.17 am!
Oops... so early huh? Wait a while and u can enjoy ur lunch soon. ;p
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