Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It Meows #10


Femin Susan said...

Good imagination...Good Luck...Welcome to my blog.......

Anonymous said...

Cute kitty.

Anonymous said...

Purr for your kitty! :) Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Oops, I got my URL wrong. It's supposed to be this: http://capricious.i.ph

Strider said...

Your cat feels so secured. (",)

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

That's the kind of life of an cat! :P

p/s: Can't comment at my blogspot or? It's at the bottom left hand corner after each post "Divulge".

Indrani said...

That was funny! :D

Mojo said...

Typical cat-titude... LOL.

Lori said...

Great shots. Too funny..Happy WW:)

Four-eyed-missy said...

Hahaha, I like your cat!

Sreisaat Adventures

P.S. Today I am serving a classic Khmer dish at FoodTrips.

CK Ng said...

That is a very optimistic way of life. I like! Happy WW! :)

sweetytots said...

cute... theres a childrens books that has the same story, its about a chicken who thinks the sky is falling..My entries are about giveaways.I am hosting a 2nd giveaway in which the winner will be getting 1 month membership in an exclusive playschool KidsAhoy. But I am really feeling like Santa so I am launching another giveaway here in sweet..pretty..naughty and I am giving away a Magnetic Dress Up Bear. Go here to join the giveaway!

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute and imaginative.

tiarastantrums said...

ha ha - me too I think!

Shannon said...

Gotta love the way a cat looks at the world!

Anonymous said...

Hehehe Too cute! Happy WW :)

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. Good one.

Valerie said...

That's hilarious! Thanks for the good laugh!

Anonymous said...

I read that remark in Chinese somewhere... Confucius? Funny :-)

bluedreamer27 said...

hehe hmmm what wil i do if the sky falls well ill do the same thing haha
have a great day my friend

Selba said...

Hahaha... I like the thinking way of the cat :D