Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It Meows #27


Heart of Rachel said...

Cute shots! It's good to know that the kitty is well fed and loved.

Jama said...

The cats in my neighbourhood are well fed too, I saw one mouse just run across a few cats but none of them moved! too full already!

Anya said...

Very nice shots or I can say its almost a movie :))
Yes to hunting !!!!!!! its not populair..... LOL
They are all lazy ;)

jams o donnell said...

Haha my three cats are too well fed t bother the local bird population! Happy WW

Ingrid said...

You are right ! I think my cats don't even know the meaning of food hunting !
they sing their meow songs and we jump to feed them :-)

stan said...

Is that a stray? Or yours?

Jeanna said...

Hi Dora, Kitty looks pretty content and lazy. Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

It's a cute cat... i wish I have one too... I have lot of dogs.... But still want to own a cat...

SandyCarlson said...

That is most definitely the life!

Carver said...

Cute shots and a fun post.

Lori said...

LOL..to cute. Happy WW:)

LifeRamblings said...

too cute for words. Happy WW!

bluedreamer27 said...

hehehe the cat was so cute hehe
have a great day dora

Indrani said...

Your cat shares a lot with you.

Little Inbox said...

Like comics, haha...This cat has nice color tone. Looks clean.

Mommy Jes said...

hihihi this is funny =) thnks for dropping buy =)

cafe au lait said...

That's really cute! I love the shots. :)

Life's Tricky Situations
Take a coffee break...

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

off topic:
hey, since I know you always have a great food photo to share, I want to invite you to please join us at the Food Photo Meme that I'm hosting in my blog called Food Trip Friday

eastcoastlife said...

meow meow.... Have a happy weekend! :)

bluedreamer27 said...

hello dora just dropping by here again have a great day and happy blogging

lupusurvivor said...

oh i love your wordings. thanks for visiting my WS!