Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It Meows #34

In her book Chinese foods / Liu Junru (ISBN: 7-5085-0613-8), Liu Junru mentioned that Chinese had a two-meals-a-day practice in the earlier days and that the first and second meals were at 9am and 4pm respectively...


Anonymous said...

Hahhahah~~ I believe the more meals the merrier for this hunger starved kitty :P

eastcoastlife said...

I eat two meals a day, lunch and dinner. It's not healthy to skip breakfast. :(

Ingrid said...

Two meals ?? that's human ! My cats eat at least 10 times per day each time they come into the kitchen, lol ! If you have time look at Arthur's new love !

Anya said...

Pooooooooooor Cat =^.^=
eat to much when he is not ill :)
Thats why he is sooooo fat.. HEHE
Its a streetcat I think,
I wish I could feed him ;)

Unknown said...

Hahahaha! Poor cat :)

Im sure he/she will find a way to have a 3-4 meals a day ;)

Indrani said...

Oh! No!
It is already burdened with that thought.

Jim said...

Well, Dora, if that cat only eats two meals a day he sure didn't miss any. He is really looking very healthy. (I think he eats four or five meals a day?)
On the cat painting, I can't remember a price and neither could Mrs. Jim. I do remember thinking it was higher than I would want to pay. :-)

Ebie said...

Hi Dora, i just adopted a cat, and she is hungry all the time, cuz she meows a lot. I guess I have to read a book on cats.

Carver said...

Fun post and cute kitten. Thanks for visiting mine and you are correct it is pointing southwest.

Lori said...

LMAO...what a life!!! Happy WW:)

tiarastantrums said...

lots of fruits though in b/t

Liz said...

I'm glad I wasn't born in that era. Haha.

Mine are here and here.

modern mom said...

I can't live with that! Lol. Happy WW.

Cafe Au Lait said...

poor kitty! happy wordless.

My entries:
Take a coffee break...
Life's tricky Situations

Maria said...

Two? sigh... :(

Happy WW!

LifeRamblings said...

poor cat. she looks tired and hungry. FEED her.

jams o donnell said...

Hmm If my cats don't get at least 12 square meals a day they complain like anything! I exaggerate but the get three meals anyway! Happy WW

SandyCarlson said...

I'm with the cat, but maybe it's worth a try!

Heart of Rachel said...

Ha ha! I wish I could train myself to only have two meals a day.

MyMaracas said...

Two meals a day is probably plenty, when you think about it. But I still want my lunch.

Interesting blog you have here. I'm learning a lot from your posts.

tigerfish said...

Two meals good for budget-conscious me right now! But for hungry me, no.

EG CameraGirl said...

I know just how your kitty feels. LOL

bluedreamer27 said...

just dropping by here
have a great day and happy blogging

food-4tots said...

We practice 5-meals a day! We prefer to have small meals for easy digestion. ;)