ECOGARDEN @ Singapore Science Centre
Here are the other photos (fruit tree & herbal plants) taken during the trip to Singapore Science Centre on last Saturday.
Here are the other photos (fruit tree & herbal plants) taken during the trip to Singapore Science Centre on last Saturday.
(1) Sugar Apple
(2) Oyster Plant
(3) Tartarian Aster
(4) White Heads
White Heads to cure "white heads" (white/grey hair & balding)... Very interesting. ;p
[Visit Singapore Science Centre #1/2 for photos published earlier in Dora's Weekend Snapshot & Ruby Tuesday post.]
[Visit Singapore Science Centre #1/2 for photos published earlier in Dora's Weekend Snapshot & Ruby Tuesday post.]
Hahhahaa...the white heads can cure white hair I makan arh!! :P
... time to dye hair again *gulpz*
Would love to have the white head plants for me@! *lol* I'm graying prematurely.
That must be quite a place.
Interesting plants! I hadn't seen these before. I think I need some white heads. :)
Very educational post. Happy WW! :)
Never heard of these plants...
that was great and very informative
well i never got a chance to see those herbal plants
but then thanks for sharing it onto us
by the way thanks for visiting my blog
i put your links on my blog roll at my "bluedreamer's top five blog"
so i can make a visit here again in your blog
have a GREAT day and Gos bless
Great collection of photos and an interesting post! :o)
napaboaniya: Ya, from the description, it seems like a miracle plant...But, wonder who have tried & got successful results? Maybe can interview that person...;p
zj & lisaschaos: Let me "fedex" some to u? (*just joking*...i'll be caught stealing the plants if i were to do it. ;p)
sandycarlson: Yes, i actually prefer the ECOGARDEN at the centre to the indoor exhibits.
ck-ii & pixiekatten: Ur post is also very informative. :)
tigerfish: Yup, this is my first time seeing them and so took those pics.
bluedreamer27: Thanks for listing my blog. Glad that u like my posts. Cheers & have a nice weekend soon. ;)
Sugar apple - Haven't been eating it for a very very long time. Can hardly get from the market.
Oyster plant - used to drink it to stop nose bleeding during my childhood days.
Tartarian aster - never heard b4. Really effective?
White heads - I luv this one! Sounds great! Works wonder?
food fot tots: We used to grow sugar apples when we were staying at lim chu kang. Oh, so you have tried Oyster plant...that's interesting!
hello again dora its me blue!
just visitng you here again have a great day
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