Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas at Shopping Mall


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

After X'mas I'm sure they're just slightly change a bit and they'll be transformed into CNY decorations :P

p/s: The exploded wall taken at Escape Theme Park.

Anonymous said...

Christmas in S'pore is still quite an event? Here things r slowing down. even recycling last yr's decorations i heard. :)

bluedreamer27 said...

oh the place was so cute i hope we could have something like that here in Phil so that i can make a visit there
have a great day

Indrani said...

Beautifully decorated. Seems to be a nice place to spend some time.

maiylah said...

so festive!!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

very nice Mall decorations, I like the last photo the most. :)
Thanks for stopping by.

tigerfish said...

Agree with Napaboaniya ;p

Anonymous said...

This mall is decorated to the max. :)

Kero said...

lovely holiday decors! and that shopping mall seems huge. thank you so much for the visit. till next weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I can really smell Christmas!

My weekend snapshots are here and here should you want to check it, too.

Bengbeng said...

Merry Christmas n a happy new year to u n yr family

Ibyang said...

your photos are soo cool. very lovely decors!

MyMaracas said...

Wow, your mall really does it up right! Great, fun shots.

tanabata said...

Not much longer till Christmas now. Very festive! :)

MYM said...

Wow - lots of red! Great photos.

Ingrid said...

Wow ! beautiful decoration !

♥peachkins♥ said...

I sure would love to go to that mall!

thanks for visiting and happy RT!

EG CameraGirl said...

Everything looks so festive for the holidays!

Anonymous said...

Oh, beautifully red!


Olga said...

you know, this almost makes me miss the time I spend xmas in Israel: I was far, far away from all the red!

Dianne said...

I love that library setting, my dream room :)

Babs (Beetle) said...

Plenty of red there! I love red at Christmas.

Patti said...

Beautiful decorations for a mall! And lots of red.

Happy Ruby Tuesday. Thanks for visiting me ;-)

Carletta said...

This is very festive!
Nice shots.

Thanks for your visit today and Happy Holidays!

Pia K said...

I really wouldn't mind that lovely library in the bottom pic myself! Have a good RT.

Heart of Rachel said...

That's so lovely! Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year. I love the bright lights and colorful decors.