Monday, February 9, 2009

It Meows #20

Saw these 2 cats when i was strolling near my neighbourhood. Took this photo with my Sony Ericsson Z770i mobile phone which is equipped with 15 different types of photo frames.

The cats don't seem to like smiling when i took the photo..., i asked them to say Cheese! However, they still look so gloomy...

...then remembering that cats don't eat cheese, so i asked them to say Fish instead but this couple still don't give me a smile!

Can someone tell me what to do? :p

This Sat 14/2/2009 is Valentine's Day. Wishing all couples have a sweet and memorable day. :)


eastcoastlife said...

I like the photo frames.
They are angry you disturbed them lah!

Anonymous said...

You did a great job! I like the flowers :D

Happy V-Day!

Felisol said...

What a cool cellphone. I haven't seen anything like it.
You certainly don't need another camera with this advanced tool.
Cool cats too.
They do look a bit hostile. Wouldn't try to go near them without a fish.
From felisol

Anonymous said...

LOL! Nice cell phone pics. Frames are really cool, too.

I agree with Felisol. A little fish would have them meowing in no time. ;-)


Ralph said...

It is hard to read our two cats either. These pictured cats make it hard to understand their true mood. But at least they posed for your photo. They LET you take their picture...typical cats!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

You really like cats!! :)
I wonder if the cats know they're turning famous, with their pictures made into lovely virtual postcards? :)

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Interesting how the phone has frames!

Ingrid said...

Very cute pictures !

Anonymous said...

Cool effects. Great for RT.

Jama said...

next time offer them some fish? :P

maryt/theteach said...

How clever of you! Perfect frames for the kitty cats! Happy Valentine's day to you and yours! Happy Ruby Tuesday too! :)

Raven said...

Nicely framed. The kitty in front looks like she might be saying "fish"... or at least thinking it...

Dianne said...

at least they didn't run away!

you did good

Indrani said...

You frame your stories well too!

Carletta said...

They look so lonely but they do look like they have each other.
These are very cool frames - on your phone is cool as well.

Jim said...

Hi Dora, those are nice cats. I have been know as the 'cat whisperer' to some extent. I believe I could make your cats smile. Adi, our beagle dog, smiles a lot.
Paste this:
In the window picture I had her give me a 'will I get some of that?' look.
Try laughing with the cats, they may laugh in return. They do that when they think they are doing something to be ashamed of and you laugh, they will laugh.
Happy RT and Happy WW! Again this week I will not be doing WW, thank you for peeking in on my RT and leaving your nice comment.

maiylah said...

love that flowery frame! my SE is the older model (K750i - got it around three years ago! lol) so it has less picture frames. :D

Leora said...

Very funky, how you played with those photos!

Anya said...

Hi Dora
Very nice and cute pictures :))