Monday, February 23, 2009

It Meows #22


Anya said...

Hi Dora

Because I have put you with my followers, I see immediately that you have a new post :))))
He has the same colors as Kareltje :))))
But Kareltje lives as a king and this beautiful cat living on the street :(
Cats do not like heat :(
Very beautiful picture you make Dora :))
If you come across him again give him a hug from me :))

Anonymous said...

yeah.. it's getting warmer everyday... *hot*hot*

Anonymous said...

a talking cat! :-)it seems he/she is comfortable there.

Little Inbox said...

Here at my housing area, we have lots of stray cats too...

Ingrid said...

And my cats are freezing ! Can't we change ?

tanabata said...

So cute!!

VG said... cute.

BTW My dear friend ~ a surprise awaits you at MY BLOG

Selba said...

HAHAHAHA... so cute!!!