Hope the sight of these pics don't make u feel gross!
This is a glutinous rice kueh made using Mugwort (艾草) which is a herbal plant and has useful medicinal uses such as treating digestive disorders, expelling intestinal worms, and alleviating menstrual pain.
Initially, I don't know the name of this plant until i watched the Korean drama Golden Bride (黄金新娘) which features the Vietnamese bride Nguyen Jin Joo (珍珠) using mugwort to make Korean rice cakes.
Initially, I don't know the name of this plant until i watched the Korean drama Golden Bride (黄金新娘) which features the Vietnamese bride Nguyen Jin Joo (珍珠) using mugwort to make Korean rice cakes.
My chef loves mugwort very much (she even add it to the Hakka Lei Cha!) but I don't really like it due to its strong smell.
I don't know, it looks a little suspicious to me and anyway I don't like sweet stuff, lol !
Are you sure it's edible? :)
So new to me.....
Do you have to blend the mugwort leaves?
this is my first time to have heard of that kind of food interesting
Gah! That is looking pretty gross!
Thanks for visiting :)
I like this rice cake. I used to buy from the traditional Teochew kueh shop at Hong Lim Complex. He sells it during CNY only.
The pancake doesn't look great but sometimes the least attractive foods taste the best. The leafy herb does look very attractive.
we also have that back here but it's usually white in color. :D
I have to agree, it doesn't look good, but it offers great health benefits. Have a great week ahead.
i think we have something similar here, too ... though i don't think mugwort is added. :)
When I saw the name, I thought it was something out of a Harry Potter book. I have come across different worts but not mugwort. Thanks for sharing.
well, I don't know if I'm going to like it or not, but the usefulness of it is very interesting.
thanks for visiting mine. :)
my first impression when i saw the pic..eww! but if its really medicinal i'll give it a go. lol.
thanks for the visit.
i think because its green that's why it looks a little bit gross.
A healthy tip to a healthy life!
I will try and include this in my preparations.
if I cannot take the smell, I can't eat it. However, that's really healthy!
This is a teochew kind of kueh rite?
I recall seeing the pen-kueh in black..I guess that's the one :P
hmm...that looks familiar. Anyway, it's interesting too. I wonder how it tastes!
ops...i think i never eat that before :D
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That pancake looks delicious !!!
.......and also has a medicinal effect, great !!!!!!!
Have a nice day Anya =^.^=
the word that registered in my mind when i saw the top photo was "Hogwarts".:D
It doesn't look gross for me...it reminded me of our famous Filipino delicay. Suman.Wrapped with a banana leaf and we dip it in sugar.
I'm sorry,dora but I don't think it's for me...
I hope you had a great weekend,though
interesting! how did it taste?
the name - mug wart sounds pungent - and it looks like it could fix digestive issues.
Thanks for sharing the knowledge
It is new to me. Never try before.
thanks for sharing!
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