Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Meows #36

Cats always know whether people like or dislike them.
They do not always care enough to do anything about it.



julie said...

You are not ugly, you are cute! :)

Ellen Whyte said...

No such thing as an ugly cat. You are gorgeous! Love those black and brown splodges.

Juliana said...

Hmmm...I think I agree with other, You are not ugly ;)

thanks drop at my ww post.

Anya said...

you are not UGLY :(
You are a SWEETIE,
I like you, specially your noise,
its so cute black :)

Many purrsss and hugs
from Kareltje =^.^=

Anonymous said...

LOL~ My dog actually barks at the mirror..

Ailurophile said...

Oh you are such a pretty tortie kitty. Just ignore the people who call you ugly. They are just blind!

Have a great week :)

SandyCarlson said...

Ugly? Dude, you've got some serious flamboyant color going there. You rock.

stan said...

U speak the truth abt human nature and for that honesty, you are just beautifully brilliant!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

That is a beautiful kitty!!

jams o donnell said...

Aww why do people think you're ugly? You're a beautfiul cat!

Unknown said...

I agree with you kitty cat ;)

Happy WW!

Felisol said...

That certainly is one of a kind kitten.
Rare beauty, but not too friendly though?
From Felisol

Paul said...

what a colorful cat!

Carver said...

I think that's a beautiful cat.

Lori said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:) Happy WW.

Little Inbox said...

I still remember this cat. It's the same cat that you previously blog about, right?

tigerfish said...

hahhaa......is there a fairest Cinderalla cat around!

Susan Demeter said...

You are very pretty kitty! Happy WW and thank you for your visit :)

Amanda said...

Very nice kitten. I guess her unique markings would make her be viewed suspicously in many places

Le Butterfly said...

Good one

Thanks for stopping by

Pie said...

Oh no, you're not ugly! Too cute actually. :)

Mine are here and here.

liza said...

Sorry I'm late Dora, I was hear earlier but I had problems commenting. I'm glad it's fixed. :) Happy WW.

Moms... Check Nyo

Maria said...

Haha, I love it. :D

Modern Mom said...

Who ever said that must be blind, hehe. You are so cute!

Heart of Rachel said...

I think you're cute and special.

eastcoastlife said...

Fret not. There will be at least one human who finds you cute. ;)