Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It Meows #48

Omy has just announced that the Singapore Blog Awards ceremony will be held on 16 September 2009 (Wednesday). More details (venue, time and etc...) will be released soon.

Posts related to the Singapore Blog Awards 2009:

It Meows #54 - Singapore Blog Awards 2009

It Meows #43

It Meows #39

Best LOL Blog Award - Please Vote for Me!


Ellen Whyte said...

That sounds exciting. Hey, do you have your lower half shaved or is it the way you're lying?

eastcoastlife said...

Poor kitty! Maybe Dora can smuggle you in her handbag. :P

Juliana said...

Wish you good luck in Singapore blog awards...

My entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks

yyam said...

Good luck to you Dora! :)

annalarssonphotography said...

Poor cat! And of course GOOD LUCK Dora!! :)

Liza said...

Oh, less than a month away, good luck to your Dora!

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Maria@LSS said...

I say, they'd be allowed to attend for support, lol. Good luck Dora!

tigerfish said...

I thought it is a call for kitty to buy 4D leh!

You attending ceremony?

LifeRamblings said...

poor kitty. all the best to Dora.

Little Inbox said...

Good luck Dora! Al the best to you.

Anonymous said...

For a second I thought the cat wass sprouting 4D numbers!! :P

Good luck :)

Indrani said...

Good luck to you, Dora!

Sujata said...

Good luck Dora!

Ingrid said...

Your belly is quite round, lol, you look very cute !

Anya said...


(That sweet cat has a very big BELLY, I think you must give him/her not so many food.... LOL

Pie said...

Wow, the cat has a big belly. Good luck Dora!

Mine are here and here.

Modern Mom said...


Anya said...

Hi Dora
Today was in Dutch on the TV a movie from a cat thats play PIANO....
I don't now maybe you have also seen it on the TV in Singapore ??
I have that video now on my blog
you must seen it,
she plays really ......
I have it from YouTube :))))))
Have a nice weekend ..

Food For Tots said...

Good luck and hope to hear good news from you!