Sunday, October 4, 2009

Home-made Mooncakes

Yesterday was Mid-Autumn Festival and my chef made some mini snow-skin mooncakes using molds with the "家好月圆" characters... Oops... I actually mean "花好月圆". ;p

Home-made Mini Snow-Skin Mooncakes


Anya said...

It looks very special Dora
its almost light green ;)
"moon cakes " I wish I could eat it

Little Inbox said...

I always prefer homemade mooncakes, cuz we can control less sugar and less food additives, but I don't know where to find the mould.

Ingrid said...

Ah ! now my mistery is solved ! I ate a piece of this green cake during the Budha festival in Belgium and didn't know at all what it was, I tried it because I like to try things which I don't know ! So these are mooncakes, with what are they made ? the once I ate had another model of course.

Liz said...

I love mooncakes but it's the first time I've seen the white ones. I'd like a bite please. :)


Cafe au Lait said...

Yummy! I also like mooncakes with salted egg and sunflower seeds in it.

Have a great week ahead.

Jama said...

I love the snowskin mooncake, and I prefer them with redbeans, so yummy!

LifeRamblings said...

the mooncakes sure look yum yum.

Unknown said...

They look delicious! How do you make them?

Redzlan said...

What the characters mean?

Ellen Whyte said...

What filling are you using? The ones here in KL are too sweet (even the eggy ones!) so I don't buy them anymore. Happy Mid Autumn festival!

tigerfish said...

Wah, got homemade mooncakes to eat...good leh!