Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It Meows #58

Do you know what expats think about Singapore? In his book Getting into Singapore : a guide for expats and kaypoh Singaporeans / David Goldwich (ISBN: 9789810832193), David Goldwich, who is an expat from Miami and married a Singapore Chinese girl, relates humorously about his experience of living in Singapore.

An interesting remark which he made is with regards to the issue of punctuality for appointments. According to him, many Singaporeans are operating on his so-called SRT (Singapore Rubber Time), which allows for flexibility in meeting times! [Note: Singapore Time Zone: GMT+8 (Greenwich Mean Time + 8 hours)]. As such, these people tend to "arrive after the appointed time without actually being late" (p.9-10).


Little Inbox said...

Oww...poor meow meow! :P

jams o donnell said...

Haha Dora. Very funny. At least cats are olympic standard relaxers!

EJ said...

hahahahah, hilarious meows!

I am trying to generate some support for our daughter. I entered her into a Smile Contest, so if you could please cast a vote for her, the contest runs until October 31st so your vote would be so much appreciated. To cast your vote, please go to this link. Please look for Jillian Rylie Cottrill. Thank you very much for all your help!

eastcoastlife said...

My friends and I are usually punctual for our appointments, so I don't think SRT applies to all Singaporeans.

Ingrid said...

I am 8 h late with my comment, lol, it's not my fault it's Greenwich time !

Liz said...

Hope it was worth the wait, haha.

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

SandyCarlson said...

Ah, you patient suitor!

Anonymous said...

Rubber time!! :P

Jama said...

I hate late comer, that's why I'm always early for appointments.

tigerfish said...

Farnee, farnee...

Ellen Whyte said...

Aren't there already lots of books about this? Like SPG and American in Singapore etc etc?

We find Singaporeans very much on time. Not like Indonesians and Malaysians!

We've posted a story to our blog today, so if you want a 5 minute read, drop by. http://www.lepak.com/katztales.html

bluedreamer27 said...

Hello my friend sorry if i am not being around here in your blog for such a long time... I have so many important things to do, we are affected by Typhoon Ondoy whoi attacked the Philippines recently, Im helping my dad in fixing the damages brought to us by that natural calamity, I know every thing will be back to normal... Its nice to be here again in your blog
Hope you have a great day and God Bless

By the way i got a new site, hope you can visit me there if you have time
Blue Dreamer