Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It Meows #59


jams o donnell said...

Haha Dora. Very good!

Jama said...

Good one! they must have a very good sense of balance, so far I've never heard of cats falling off tall building.

I guess the decorator wanted some change, instead of lanterns for the mid autumn festival, he used broad ribbons to represent lanterns.

Rahul said...

Hahah...nice cartoon type.
But I have never heard cats fell down from tall building or high places.


Indrani said...

Guess the one sitting down is living its ninth life!

Ingrid said...

Get d o w n !! I get dizzy when I see you up there ! It's dangerous ! Aiya you are right !

Modern Mom said...

Haha, love it Dora!

Liza said...

Oh please, get down. You are scaring everybody.

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Marice said...

hahah love their dialogues :)

u may view mine if u have time

Digital Flower Pictures said...


LifeRamblings said...

it's terrifying to see you up there. be careful kitty.

BK said...

Cat just like to get high up in such dangerous position.

bluedreamer27 said...

haha i enjoyed reading it hehe
they're so cute

Ayie said...

good script =P

SandyCarlson said...

Funny, Dora! Great pictures, too.

Unknown said...

Yes please get down - it's scaring me too!

Little Inbox said...

Nice cat talk, hehe. You really have your creativity in the dialogue.

Anya said...

It looks really SCARY :(