Saturday, August 21, 2010

It Meows #84


Ingrid said...

Lol ! don't try to understand human's minds, I gave it up especially with the male species !

Emmy said...

Yikes! I hope Kitty finds that cockroach soon! (Those things are so gross!)

Jama said...

I've seen this type of table in some void deck, don't know what's the reason for choosing this type....

The instrument in my blog is the speedometer of an old vespa I saw in Kg Buangkok.

Liz said...

Haha. I hope you catch it kitty because I'm so afraid of roaches.

Moms... Check Nyo

Unknown said...

She does look rather puzzled. lol

tigerfish said...

You (I mean, Kitty) asked a good question on why the tables are designed with so many holes. Hahhaha!

W.C.Camp said...

I don't want to scare you kitty, but if those things have briquets under them, they are called a GRILL! W.C.C.

Ingrid said...

Don't try to understand humans ! It's just impossible !