Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ajisen Ramen

My friend and I had an early Christmas celebration last week and we had our lunch at Ajisen Ramen. These are what we had...

1. Spicy Cha Shu Ramen

2. White Fish with Sauce

3. Pumpkin Croquette

I especially like the Pumpkin Croquette which is sweet and has a rich pumpkin taste. I regretted ordering the spicy Cha Shu Ramen since after tasting the soup, I realised it is too spicy for me. ;p


Anonymous said...

Sounds absolutely delicious. Let me know next time you're going as that is one heck of a feast.

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I like their Pumpkin Croquette as well :)
I've got a large pumpkin sitting in my kitchen which I've not even made up my mind what to do with it :(
Pumpkin kueh and soup is out (Family sick of them already)...

NickTay said...

I love Japanese food :)

Anonymous said...

Looks delicious. Thank you for stopping by my blog today and for the birthday wishes.

maiylah said...

oh my ... what a feast! :)
happy holidays

Hepburn Hilton said...

The third one look yummiest :)

Indrani said...

Food and fiends, great fun!
Happy Christmas!

Andrea said...

I don't think I've ever tried any of those foods but the pumpkin croquette sounds pretty good!

Juliana said...

hmm...yummy. thanks drop at my ww post :D

CK Ng said...

Chasu ramen! Yum! Yum! Happy WW! :)

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden,
I felt hungry...

Happy WW!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Oh, oh, oh - Japanese food! Oishi!!

VG said...

If I am ever in town, I'd definitely give them a go!

Anonymous said...

I want to taste them all and see which is the yummiest!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Yummy! But I share your being unappreciative with spicy food. :-)

Food Lover said...

Haha I love curry vegetables in fact they are my favourite curry ha. Ramen, something I haven't eat for a long long time!

ShannonW said...

I have never tried Pumpkin Croquette. Is it as yummy as it looks?

Thank you for visiting me.

Mary said...

The pumpkin croquette looks scrumptious... now I'm hungry.

Heather said...

Looks so yummy and is making my stomach growl! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Anonymous said...

They all look so yummy! :)

Heart of Rachel said...

I want to try that Pumpkin Croquette. Looks good.

Little Inbox said...

Ramen is my favourite too! :)