I must confess I'm a "noodles" person. Yes, I love noodles, especially pasta!
Tried this chicken bolognese pasta at my company's canteen... It's cheap ($3) and nice. :)
What's your favourite food and where can you find it at the most affordable price?
Tried this chicken bolognese pasta at my company's canteen... It's cheap ($3) and nice. :)
What's your favourite food and where can you find it at the most affordable price?
$3 for pasta? That is really good price. I am also a noodle person and will choose noodle over rice anytime. My favourite is minced meat 'Bak Chor' noodle and this can be eaten in most part of Singapore. I have found a stall near my place that is quite good.
looks good! i just cooked creamy carbonara PASTA =)
Hi there, stopping in from WW. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be pasta!! Following you.
Please stop by for a visit at
Have a beautiful day
Rebecca :)
Canteen food? Looks quite good ler...
i love spaghetti. chicken bolo is one of my favourites.
If you can find pasta at this price, then it is really cheap.
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