Tuesday, January 20, 2009

CNY Special - III

Welcome to Dora's CNY Special (3rd edition) writeup featuring Fashion (衣), Food (食), Home Decoration (住) and Travel (行) related to Chinese New Year.

Here are the highlights for today's edition:

1. Fashion (衣)

CNY Kids Fashion

Traditional CNY Fashion

2. Food (食)

Fruits & Gourds

Waxed Meats


3. Home Decoration & Furnishing (住)


Flowers & Kumquats


4. Travel (行)

I like flowers. Like last year, the Sentosa Flowers 2009 event will be held during CNY.

Sentosa Flowers 2009

Besides Sentosa, you may also like to visit Hort Park to see flowers. :)

Hort Park

For a list of exciting sightseeing and attractions, please visit Uniquely Singapore Chinese New Year website.


Ingrid said...

Nice things to celebrate a New Year !

Mojo said...

Are those giant firecrackers in the first shot?

Thanks for the tour. Other cultures fascinate me!

fraizerbaz said...

Happy New Year to you!

Indrani said...

A Very Happy Chinese New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

Dong Dong Qiang picture was taken at Chinatown :P

So fast!! In 4 days...Mr Ox will be arriving :P

LEon said...

I can see that you are really getting into the mood of CNY. Gong Xi fai cai!

Unknown said...

What a great tour! I like the jellies!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, Dora. I was going to pick the flowers but instead decided on the Hort Gardens.

Happy WW and thank you for visiting my RT. You RT is neat, I always like your talking cat.
(the link on my name is my WW)

Anonymous said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you.

Shannon said...

Happy Chinese New Year! This time last year we were living in Jakarta and really enjoyed the festivities. This year we are in Europe and I almost forgot it was that time. What a difference a year makes! Thanks for visiting cyberbones and have a great week!

Little Inbox said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you!

tigerfish said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you :)
Happiness and Good Health!

Jama said...

I can never resist buying a cheong sam top even though I'm not chinese, unfortunately this year just couldn't find something I like, it has to be in long sleeve. I'm wearing headscarf so must find the long sleeve ones, most of the short sleeve top are very nice.
Just came back from the Sentosa flower this afternoon! I have not miss any of the flower festival since they started it in 2005.

Wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai! have a wonderful celebrations with your love ones.

Anonymous said...

Are those real edible jellies? Hort Park looks like an interesting place for photography :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Chinese New Year! All these stuff make the CNY the more merrier and happening!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sights! Loved looking at all the photos.
