Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It Meows #50


Anonymous said...

I've heard, if you spot a cat sleeping on top a car you'll strike 4d with the car plate.. I wonder how true :P

tigerfish said...

Must be sure the car is not leaking underneath or it will dirty the cat.

The cat is smart cos beneath the car is probably cooler.

James said...

I love cats, but it's sad to see them under cars. I hope they are okay.

Anya said...

Be careful my sweetie,
its dangerous :(
Go play with Dora ...

Jama said...

That's a dangerous place to hide, cat. Quick find some other place!

Juliana said...

Be carefull, Kitty :D

Ingrid said...

Arthur too, loves to sleep under cars and often comes home with black greasy oil spots ! Then he gets very angry when I try to wash them out !

annalarssonphotography said...

Be careful!!

Have a great day Dora! :)

Carver said...

Cute post and glad you found your kitty.

Liza said...

I thought that was a good hiding place too. Maybe Dora is just too good at playing hide and seek. Happy WW.

My entries:
Moms... Check Nyo

Little Inbox said...

No matter hiding at what place, the cats are still not able to escape from your camera. Hehe...

LifeRamblings said...

it's not a cool place to hide, kitty. be careful, it's dangerous.

Maddy said...

Great survivorship skills!

Drahdrah said...

Very cute ! Happy WW !

Unknown said...

Hehehehe...Maybe next time I'll teach the cat to hide somewhere else ;)

Happy WW!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Hard to hide from the camera kitty!

SandyCarlson said...

Why, little kit, do cats like to hid in dangerous places? Come out!

eastcoastlife said...

Dangerous wor! What if the driver of the car drives off? You could get hurt.

Indrani said...

Not safe!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Find a safer place please! Thanks for visiting me.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Modern Mom said...

Get of there quick! It's a dangerous hiding place!

Ayie said...

why is the kitty hiding?

happy ww!

doggie playtime: http://jifphotojournal.blogspot.com/