My chef has prepared some Giam Chye Kueh (Preserved Vegetables Kueh, Hum Choi Ban, or 咸菜粄) yesterday using chopped Giam Chye and minced pork as the main ingredients. Like the case of the Hakka Peanut Kueh, it is also uncommon too see the Giam Chye Kueh at food stalls.

Hakka 101
Hum2: Salty; 咸
Choi4: Vegetables; 菜
Ban3: Kueh; 粄
Hakka 101
Hum2: Salty; 咸
Choi4: Vegetables; 菜
Ban3: Kueh; 粄
Oh wow! Lucky you! I don't see this anywhere these days.
that looks good!!! :)
Is that hanyupinyin for hakka dialect? ;p
Never seen or tried these before with salted vegetables :P
Since it's uncommon to find these at food stalls....errr you learn and make them for us ok??!? heehee
p/s: Who says Singapore doesn't know? It's snowing over at APAD(SG) hahahahaa
hi dora, thanks for visiting. The food here are all so new to me as well. Won't mind trying them one of these days!
That looks delicious. Thanks for visiting my skywatch.
woah! that food looks yummy, hehehe =) thanks for visiting my site! Have a great day too! =)
yummy looking food, i love veggies!
thanks for stoppng by.:)
Just first time heard of this kuih. :)
I like to try this...do you have a sauce for this? Or is it preferred to be eaten without any?
curious how it tastes? wonder if it's the same food that my grandpa used to cook:)
happy monday :)
it will b interesting if u can post the recipe. if u do, please let me know. I have a vague idea based on the pic but is not enough :)
looks very interesting. yes i'd love to taste some, thank you! my entry is up here http://kcelebration.blogspot.com/search/label/weekend%20snapshot
it would be interesting to try out this dish. the salted vege should make it taste different.
That looks yummy! I haven't eaten yet. So I could just reach and eat it now!
Darkspore, lbyang, Kero & isaiah: Ha ha! Yes, indeed.
maiylah, Carver, Jes & FickleMinded: Yes, look, smell and taste good!
tigerfish: Yup! Try to learn it. ;)
napaboaniya: How i wish i know how to make them...If i know, i would have set up a kueh stall. ;p
peachkins & Bengbeng: The ingredients used are mainly rice flour, preserved vege, minced pork, chopped garlic.
Little Inbox: Yes, not many people have tried this kueh before.
Enchie: U can eat it with sweet soy sauce, chili sauce or simply without any. :)
marites1034: It tastes a bit salty.
SabineM: Ha ha. Wonder whether there's any left since u're the 16th reader. ;p
Hmmm...that looks interesting :)
That's a nice and interesting looking dish.
Looks so yummy! I want some leh!:P
julie & Heart of Rachel: Ha ha. Thanks for visiting.
Food for Tots: Give me ur address and i "fedex" to u. ;p
Tks for your kindness! I am so touched! Give me ur address and i "fedex" myself to your place. Hehehe! ;)
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